【廣州蘭瑟電子】國際傳感專家,中國衡器制造十大供應商之一。優惠提供Weighing sensors, pressure sensors, torque sensors, displacement sensors, and other related products.
In addition to meeting 0IML measurement products as international recommendations and regulations must also be symbolic measure countries. Products are sold around the world in the same time, have been the measuring equipment type test countries. Therefore we can say the standard is the world standard, " Lanse Electronic Technology(Guangzhou)Co.,Ltd..
(Lanse Electronic Technology(Guangzhou)Co.,Ltd.)Load cell series
Korea Bongshin weighing sensor , weighing sensor DACELL Korea , South Korea Fine weighing sensor , weighing sensor SETech Korea , South Korea CAS weighing sensor
Switzerland Mettler Toledo / Toledo weighing sensor , weighing sensor Germany Sartorius Sartorius , Germany HBM weighing sensor, weighing sensor Tedea-huntleigh USA , USA Transcell weighing sensor, the United States Celtron weighing sensor, weighing sensor U.S. Zemic Britain OAP weighing sensor, weighing sensor U.S. Amcells U.S. Mkcells weighing sensor, China Ke Li (keli) weighing sensor, weighing sensor U.S. Suncells ,
American RICELAKE weighing sensor, the United States YZC weighing sensor, weighing sensor Vishay Revere America , American Sensortronics weighing sensor, the United States chcontech weighing sensor, weighing sensor PT LTD New Zealand , Italy Laumas weighing sensor , the U.S. BLH load cell, Italy NBCElettronica weighing sensor, weighing sensor Utilcell Spain , France PRECIA-MOLEN weighing sensor , weighing sensor French Master K and monitors, Japan NMB weighing sensors, sensor NTS Japan , Germany FLINTEC weighing sensor, weighing USA Interface sensors , Germany PHILIPS ( Philips ) load cell
Load cell產品應用:
Load cell( Lanse Electronic Technology(Guangzhou)Co.,Ltd.)主要應用:為衡器制造、冶金、石油化工、食品生產、機械制造、礦山、水泥、造紙、鋼鐵、交通、紡織等行業提供精確、可靠、專業的產品及技術服務。
Load cell量程選型:
一般應使Load cell工作在其30%~70%量程內,如:客戶需要稱重60多kg的重量,那就可以用量程達到100kg的Z6FD1 Load cells。一套設備:總重除以傳感器支撐點的數量,得出的數就是每只傳感器需要承受的30%~70%。而對于一些在使用過程中存在較大沖擊力的衡器,如動態軌道衡、動態汽車衡、鋼材秤等,在選用Load cell時,一般要擴大其量程使傳感器工作在其量程的20%~40%之內,道理同上。使傳感器的稱量儲備量增大,以保證傳感器的使用安全和壽命,避免超載。而簡單的接法,四個Load cell接入稱重傳感器接線盒里,再將接線盒的信號接入稱重信號變送器。Load cell接線盒的作用是將傳感器信號平均后轉發給變送器,接線盒可以N進1出。
Load cell工作領域:
在汽車上安裝Load cell就可以在監控室提供出載客的數量,來統計司機的收入。Load cell統計的數據就能及時解決了當時司機如果載客多工資低引發的抱怨,起到更好公平公正的分配結果。
傳感器的應用將在交通方面不斷發展,或許未來的某一天你出門碰到的是自動導航交通,這樣你不管是在工業備件,生活領域,學校實驗上都能看到Load cell的身影,也會有更多的傳感器不但能參與到生活各個方面,而且也給我們的生活帶來了很多的幫助。